Prashna Astrology, also called Horary Astrology, provides answers based on the exact time of the query and planetary positions to enable predictions. This branch of astrology is an ancient system of divination that provides deep insights into the mysteries of the cosmos.
The fundamental tool here is the Prashna Kundli. Selling a house is like a nostalgic moment in life’s journey as you hold many memories and moments dear to you. Prashna Astrology involves planetary alignments and cosmic energies aligning together.
What is Prashna Kundli?
The Prashna Kundli is a significant branch of astrology. ‘Prashna’ means question, and ‘Kundli’ means birth chart. So, it means the birth chart of a question. Prashna Kundli is the birth chart created based on the exact date and time an individual asks the question.
Prashna Kundli can be used when the individual’s birth date is unknown. Astrology can analyse birth charts, even for those who do not have their birth details. In such cases, Prashna Astrology is widely used, and it can give accurate answers to questions and precise birth charts. In Prashan Kundli, the birth chart is immediately cast at the exact time when the question is asked. The Kundli of that question becomes the Prashna Kundli.
It depends upon the in-depth knowledge of the twelve houses, the role of the planets, the symbolism of zodiac signs and the precise timing. It is a powerful tool that gives insights into various aspects of life, including relationships, spiritual growth, career and personal growth.

Significant Aspects of Prashna Kundli
In the Prashna Kundli, the Ascendant, Moon and the Navamsh Kundli (Divisional Kundli or D9) are very important. Before making a prediction, the Rising Sign (Ascendant), the lucky and unlucky impact of planets, and the Navamsh Kundli should be checked and analysed.
How to Analyse Prashna Kundli?
The first step in analysing a Prashna Kundli is checking the Ascendant. The second step is to examine the Moon and the malefic aspects of planets and yogas before concluding. The Ascendant and Moon are the main aspects of a Prashna Kundli. The Navamsh Kundli is used to verify the conclusions reached by the Prashna Kundli.
The Prashna Kundli shows your ongoing Karma. If the Prashna Kundli has an auspicious Lagna (Ascendant), a well-placed Moon, and the Navamsh is strong, the outcome will be favourable and favourable.
How Houses are Associated with Prashna Astrology
Houses in a Kundli are associated with different aspects of life. When it comes to selling a house, the 3rd House of Transformation and Changes plays a significant role. The 11th House represents Wealth and Profits and defines the financial aspect of the property sale.
Role of Varga Charts
‘Varga’ in Sanskrit means division. The Varga charts are called Divisional charts and give insights into specific areas of life. The sale of a house connects with the D4 chart, called the Fourth Divisional chart or the Chaturthamsa for landed assets and property. This chart can provide valuable information, and its analysis helps enhance the accuracy of the predictions.
Understanding Planetary Alignments
The 4th House of the Prashna Kundli is associated with landed property and happiness from houses and vehicles. The 4th House of the Prashna Kundli and its Lord become essential to consider when it signifies property sale. When benefic planets give favourable elements associated with the 4th House, it appears stable and secure. However, if the 8th Lord is present in the House, there may be chances of renovations, upgrades, or changes, and it may be a manageable sale.
Valuable Information from Divisional Charts
The alignment of the Houses may contain essential aspects that play a vital role in the sale of the house. Apart from analysing the D4 Chart, the connection between the 4th House and the Lagna (Ascendant) and the aspects from the 11th House Lord are indicators of financial gains from the property sale.
Sale Timing: Getting it Right
Timing is an essential aspect of Prashna Astrology, which predicts results and provides insights and valuable information on the timing of the property sale. The timing of the sale can be accurately predicted by examining the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions), Rashis (Moon Signs), and planetary movements, thus giving valuable guidance in buying and selling.
You can analyse the planetary positioning in the Divisional charts and get valuable information on the timing and outcome of the property transaction.
Prashna Kundli is a valuable tool that provides guidance, helps make informed decisions, and achieves favourable outcomes. It is a unique form of astrology whose importance lies in its creation. Birth details are not required. Also, because of a definite Lagna (Ascendant), the effect of Prashan Kundli is very accurate. Prashna Astrology is a powerful tool that gives accurate predictions on the sale of a house.